Traditional Painting and Drawing Classes in Hornsby

Hamley's Values
Hamley Studio of Fine Art in Hornsby offers oil painting and drawing classes for adults of all levels. We believe that a quality art education begins with studying directly from life. Everyone can learn to paint, it just takes patience, ambition and courage!
No Photos
All our classes teach from life, with a live model or still-life setup.
Individual Tuition
Our tailored classes help you improve at your own pace.
Quality Education
All teachers have extensive experience in painting and drawing.

2025 Term Dates
Term 1:
Wednesday, 29 January - Saturday, 5 April
Term 2:
Wednesday, 23 April - Saturday, 28 June
Term 3:
Wednesday, 16 July - Saturday, 20 September
Term 4:
Wednesday, 8 October - Saturday, 13 December
Upcoming Workshops

Hamley Studio of Fine Art in Hornsby offers oil painting and drawing classes for adults of all levels. Our traditionally-trained artists guide you to see and recreate the world convincingly on canvas. Whether you're a beginner or advanced, our tailored classes help you improve at your own pace.